When can I enroll?
If you have been receiving disability insurance payments from social security or the railroad retirement board for 24 consecutive months you will become eligible for Medicare at the beginning of your 25th month.2
What do I need to do?
You will be automatically enrolled. You should receive your Original Medicare card and information in the mail three months prior to month 25 on disability. If you receive social security payments, your Part B premium will be deducted from your check once your coverage starts. If you choose, you can enroll in additional coverage through a private insurance company. You will be able pick a plan 3 months before, the month of, and three months after your 25th month of receiving disability benefits.
When will my coverage start?
Your Original Medicare Part A and Part B coverage will become effective at the start of month 25 of disability. If you choose, you can enroll in additional coverage through a private insurance company. You will be able pick a plan 3 months before, the month of, and three months after your 25th month of receiving disability benefits.